Zoom AGM 15th March 21

PRESENT T Thompson (Chairman), J Adams, I Jackson, R Henshaw, R Hartley, D Bathurst, A Hutchinson, R Patching, D Dixon, D James, D Dundas, V Wasdell, P Martin, M Frayn, J Woodcock, I Clark, O O’Neill, J Sykes


Chairman thanked David Dundas for arranging the Zoom meeting


MINUTES of AGM 2020 had been circulated and were approved as an accurate record.


CHAIRMAN’S REPORT had been circulated ahead of meeting (attached also to this minute)


TREASURER reported membership income of £396, City Council grant £75, expenditure of £185 giving a surplus of £286 and a year-end bank balance of £1319. Accounts attached.


ELECTION of OFFICERS D Dundas took the chair while the meeting approved the re-election of T Thompson as Chairman.

J Adams was re-elected as Secretary.

I Jackson is moving out of the area and resigned as Treasurer. Paddy Martin proposed as his successor, approved by meeting.

Financial Examiner – Richard Patching agreed to continue and the meeting confirmed this appointment.

David James and Richard Patching re-elected to the Committee


Both the Chairman and Richard Patching expressed their thanks to Ian Jackson, not just for his work as Treasurer but in his past work as a longstanding member and former secretary.






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