PRESENT T Thompson (Chairman), D Dundas (Zoom Host) I Jackson, J Adams, R Patching,
G Stringer, D James, V Wasdell, P Martin, R Hartley, A Hutchinson, J Woodcock, R Hockney, R Henshaw, M Frayn, J Sykes, G Lusher, P Longman, D Bathurst, D Dixon
TREASURER – Surplus of £286 generated in 2020 and year end Bank balance is £1319. Accounts to be submitted for examination. Annual subscriptions have been reduced for the current year to £5 and are now due, £100 already received.
CHAIRMAN’S REPORT had already been circulated and attached below.
LICHFIELD TO BURTON and DERBY Peter Longman (Transport for Britain) plans to run a charter train from Lichfield to Matlock in April to generate awareness of the existing line; members are encouraged to support. Platform lengths at LTV and Matlock might be an issue.
NEW TIMETABLES – reduced to two trains per hour on Cross City Line. Avanti have also reduced their services from nine trains to four per hour from Euston. We are anxious that these reductions do not become permanent but understand that funding for the railways will have to be resolved in the coming months; we will write to the TOCs and copy to our MP.
WCR250 – online meeting to be held 11th February. Concerns about the quality of the rolling stock – seat configuration and storage will be raised by Chairman who will attend.
HS2 the meeting confirmed that the group’s stance on HS2 is neutral. Issues that affect us locally include road closures and Chairman has obtained how these closures are to be notified and implemented as far as pedestrians and cyclist are concerned (see report).
LICHFIELD TRENT VALLEY– i) Car Park – proposed installation of ANPR was flagged by members prompting secretary to ask for clarification. WM Trains provided details but members continue to be concerned that short stay parking to collect tickets and passengers may not be adequately protected and that the intention to encourage payment by Smartphone app(s) is unwelcome. ii)Safe pedestrian access on station approach – lack of progress noted. Iii) ramp from southbound platform – again no progress. Secretary to advise concerns re parking and ask for updates on safety issues.
NEXT MEETING- Monday 15th February, again by ZOOM. Speakers will be sought for this and subsequent meetings.
Chairman’s Report 18 Jan 2021
My apologies that this is the first meeting for a long time; and my thanks to our member David Dundas for providing the ZOOM that makes it possible.
Lichfield to Burton remains our medium term aim. Our member Peter Longman, also of Transport for Britain, has been very active on this and you may have seen his pieces in Lichfield Life. The secretary, David Dundas, and I ‘went’ to the first meeting of his steering group last week. His short-term aim is to run a charter train from City northwards, perhaps to Matlock, though the lockdown makes fixing a date very difficult. I hope we will all be able to support that when it takes place.
Lots of preliminary works for HS2 have been taking place locally, by the contractors Laing O’Rourke + J Murphy (confusingly calling themselves LM). They are sending me their road closure notices, and it is also possible to phone the HS2 helpdesk on 08081 434 434.
It has become increasingly difficult, if you are following the regulations and guidance, for many of us to actually use a train, and I am annoyed to say that I have not been on one since July (having since had a new knee from which I have mostly recovered).
The next meeting of WCR250, of which we are members, will be by Microsoft teams on Thursday 11 Feb. Is there anything you would want on the agenda?
We have not involved our MP recently in railway matters. Is there anything we have discussed tonight to bring to his attention?
Lastly. I hope that this meeting has been successful, and if so the next meeting will be at 1930 on Monday 15 February., I expect by ZOOM again.
Tony Thompson Chairman