PRESENT) T Thompson (Chairman) J Adams, I Jackson, D James, V Wasdell, R Marsh,
P Sheridan, P Cousins, P Bates, P Martin, D Bathurst, G Hudson, R Hartley, A Hutchinson
R Henshaw,
APOLOGIES D Dixon, R Hockney, P Mullarkey, R Patching
MINUTES of September Meeting had been circulated by e-mail and were approved.
CHAIRMAN had attended Railfuture meeting; the group is in favour of our campaign to see passenger services between Lichfield and Burton. Chairman will attend West Coast Partnership roadshow on 8th November.
WC250 David James attended in Conwy and his report had already been sent to members. Additionally i) WC250 seeks better co-ordination between HS2 and WCML. Ii) Some doubt that there may be insufficient capacity to meet proposed additional services which will demand quicker turn round and increased pressure on cleaning. Iii) Local Council employee gave stirring address about the Conwy Valley Line, now restored after landslips etc, and critical to local economy and community. We can get there and back from Lichfield in a day and do the circuit including the Ffestiniog and Welsh Highland Railways when available!
LICHFIELD TRENT VALLEY after talking with his contacts at GCR Richard Patching advised by e-mail that the suggested costs for a ramp to southbound platform would be affected by quality of materials, contractor to be NR approved (which would encompass safety, recruitment, training, risk assessment and method statements), and available access to work space. Still not clear how the figure of £250k was reached – should we ask MP to investigate (TT) and write to Network Rail Director of Access and Inclusivity (JA/TT). Too short notice for us to submit an application under CCIF
LICHFIELD CITY and CROSS CITY Line (i)Performance has reached lowest recorded levels. Reported on local TV particularly the Chase Line, but P Martin advised that statistics show that 220 trains through Shenstone were cancelled in Sept/October period!! (ii)Parking charges now in force at Shenstone which means that the car park is half full and the streets are blocked with cars. Similar to LTV but there the car park has to be used because the streets are full! (iii) Performance may get worse as RMT have fired an opening shot about their concern for Driver Only Operation and safe platform dispatch. (iv)Possession of Shortbutts Lane bridge for Lichfield bypass and canal is still expected to be during the Christmas period – presumably alternative transport will be provided
TREASURER/MEMBERSHIP/WEBSITE – nothing further to report from September meeting
NEXT MEETING 18th November with Fay Easton Head of Stakeholder and Community WMR