PRESENT) T Thompson (Chairman) J Adams, I Jackson, D James, D Dixon, V Wasdell,
P Cousins, P Bates, B Pretty, P Martin, D Bathurst, G Hudson, R Patching,
J Woodcock, R Hartley, A Hutchinson, B Eisner, Richard Marsh (new member)
APOLOGIES R Hockney, P Sheridan, P Mullarkey
MINUTES of August Meeting had been circulated by e-mail and were approved.
VICKY CROPPER Stakeholder Manager, LNWR addressed the group. Recent PPM of 53.8% between Lichfield and Euston the worst in recent memory. Cancellations caused by more intense working diagrams, and the consequence that staff are opting not to work on rest days. New pay arrangements might help. Since introduction of May timetable infrastructure problems included flooding, extreme hot weather, damage to overhead power lines, trespass and fatalities. Sunday service continues to be worst affected but also tight timetabling with staff struggling to make train changes in time led to the observation that rostering is not as robust as it should be. LNWR is trying to get more paths. Ten class 350 units were expected in time for December timetable and from May timetable it is expected that there will be 8 coaches on more services.
Vicky encouraged us to apply for funding from the Customer and Communities Fund (£1.7m for distribution) before the deadline of 7th October but also advised that any application would benefit from support/sponsorship by local authority and other stakeholders. Best targets would be i) increased seating at LTV and ii) a ramp from car park to up platform.
LTV – recent press report from MP suggested that new lifts will be operational in December; one member thought that end of October was the new target date. We understand that improved safe pedestrian access is still under review.
WEST COAST MAIN LINE – Noted that some Pendolinos now running without the Virgin logo. HS2 review suggested that work might be paused but this is not evident. Chairman to invite contact with First Trenitalia. WC 250 meeting in October to be attended by D James.
TREASURER and MEMBERSHIP Bank – £1053.62. 37 members
PUBLICITY and WEBSITE – We have acknowledged two messages on website about i) the proposed service between Lichfield and Burton and ii) about poor service and a reference to RMT influence.
FUTURE SPEAKERS –To invite M Holmes and/or P Sargent (WMRE) and Fay Easton (WMR) in October/November (JA), and District Council leader later in year, (Chairman – who will also invite MP to attend in January/February
OTHER BUSINESS – Group Policy – i) confirmed that we continue to adopt neutral stance on HS2 but continue to seek assurance that Lichfield services post HS2 will not be adversely affected ii) we leave operational issues about driver operated doors to the TOCs, while seeking greater visibility of conductors on trains for advice and ticket checking, and greater visibility of staff on stations.
NEXT MEETING 21st October