PRESENT) T Thompson (Chairman) J Adams, P Bates, D Dixon, R Henshaw, R Rathbone,
V Wasdell, P Cousins, R Hockney, P Martin, D Bathurst, B Eisner
APOLOGIES Messrs Jackson, James, Pretty, Hudson, Mullarkey, Patching, Sheridan
MINUTES of June Meeting had been circulated by e-mail and were approved.
CHAIRMAN reported on his meeting, with Group Secretary and representatives from WM Trains, at our request, to agree how best to improve pedestrian safety at LTV. See attached summary of meeting which has been sent to F Thomas, WMT
STATIONS – (i)Shenstone – car park charges not yet introduced. Location of ticket machine not yet evident and forecast yellow lines on adjacent street(s) not yet applied.
(ii) Rugeley TV – footbridge repairs have been authorised. HS2 want to use the land where we had wanted additional car parking to be provided before Lichfield District Council approved planning for residential development. But when HS2 have finished their work the land will revert to the present owner.
(iii) LTV – noted that there are signs for trains to Birmingham. Should the sign mention Lichfield City? Ask District and City Councils to ask Network Rail/WM Trains to install? (TT)
(iv) Also noted that the Tourism section of the LDC website now shows railways as a possible means of access to Lichfield by rail.
PERFORMANCE – Specific examples of recent problems – LNW services 28th June from LTV – 1013, 1113, 1313 and 1413 all terminated at either Milton Keynes or Rugby, all because of train crew shortages. And frequent cancellations on Cross City line. We should ask for an explanation and recovery proposals. (JA)
WEST COAST MAIN LINE – (i) Virgin’s intention to apply to run services starting in 2012 between Liverpool and Euston with stops at LTV was welcomed and we are to write offering our support (JA/TT) (ii) HS2 – our group’s policy has been neutral but we seek to ensure that existing services are protected. We should also monitor construction development for any adverse impact on local routes and amenities.
TREASURER – Bank Balance £1053.62. membership 37
FUTURE SPEAKERS – Fay Easton (Cross City and LTV station) and Vicky Cropper LNWR confirmed for August and September meetings respectively.
OTHER BUSINESS – (i) noted that the 8 car LNWR trains appear always to use platform 7 at Crewe which is just long enough. (ii) Merits of Community Rail Partnership discussed briefly and to be considered more fully. (iii) Chairman emphasised the importance of the “Last Mile” in railway journeys. ii & iii to take further in Committee and with local Councils.