PRESENT), J Adams, I Jackson, R Hartley, A Hutchinson, D James, G Hudson, P Bates, V Wasdell, P Cousins, D Bathurst, J Woodcock, R Patching, J McGlade
APOLOGIES Messrs Dixon, Frayn, Pretty, Hockney, Rathbone, Martin, Sheridan, Thompson and Ms Cooper.
MINUTES of March meeting and AGM in April had been circulated by e-mail.
JA chaired the meeting in the absence of TT and reported on recent Committee meeting:
- Welcomed the involvement of both our MP and MH from WMRE in pursuing the possibility of re-opening Passenger services to Burton and beyond.
- Considered speakers for future meetings -eg Fay Easton (now booked for August), F Thomas, C Horton, representatives from WMRE and Lichfield DC, possibly Network Rail. Also to keep in touch with L McCord of Transport Focus.
- JA and TT had attended the launch of the Chase Line electrification and taken the opportunity to speak to F Thomas to press him for a more urgent approach to pedestrian safety at LTV. He offered to get Network Rail and ourselves involved.
- STATIONS – LTV lifts should now be completed in July. Ramp from car park to up platform needs to be pursued. Obsolete signage for toilets at City Station needs to be removed.
- NEW TIMETABLE – i) morning service to Stoke is not convenient with a gap of nearly 90 minutes. Ii) Some concern that with all Cross City services being extended to LTV there will be a risk of more frequent turn-rounds at Blake Street – to be monitored. Iii) Unclear why Saturday timetable is not as good as the Mon-Fri service. Iv) noted that LNWR services of 8 cars will have only front 4 cars available at Rugeley TV iv) new printed Crewe timetable shows DD as our contact – we will ask for this to be amended.
- TREASURER/MEMBERSHIP – Funds approx. £1k. 40 Members
- PUBLICITY/WEBSITE – i) DJ letter to publicise new timetable printed in Lichfield Mercury ii) DJ has produced a new map for website showing Lichfield at the crossroads of SW/NE travel with WC main line. Cost £60 agreed with webmaster.
- OTHER BUSINESS i) should we review our thoughts about a Derby/Sutton/Birmingham Airport service? Ii)VW has reminded local Hammerwich residents that the Lichfield/Walsall is still a live railway, just out of use. Iii) plans for Duddeston servicing depot are likely to be approved following some local objections. Iv) Pentalver are developing a rail freight depot near A461 at Cannock
- NEXT MEETING 17th June
For the sake of Cross-city line users, present and future, PLEASE convey to West Midlands Trains the need to modernise working practices, and not to cave in to the luddite demands of the RMT.
Dwell times are currently laughable. Any second member of staff on trains should in future be focused on revenue protection and a visible security presence to passengers.
Please don’t cave in to the RMT if you genuinely care about passengers.
Thank you for your comment. We have periodic meetings / correspondence with West Midlands Trains and will raise this issue with them.