PRESENT D Dixon (Chairman), J Adams, I Jackson, A Hutchinson, P Mullarkey, P Martin, D James, B Eisner, R Rathbone, P Bates, R Hockney, V Wasdell, D Bathurst, P Sheridan J Woodcock, R Patching
APOLOGIES Messrs. Hartley, Frayn, Pretty, Hudson, Thompson and Ms Cooper
MINUTES of February meeting had been circulated by e-mail.
FAY EASTON, Head of Stakeholder and Community, WM Railway, addressed the meeting. She is new to the railway industry so has been able to view her role objectively. Enthusiastic about the benefits of Station Adopters and is developing liaison with Tourism Officers. Fay has a small budget which she can use for quick fixes but we failed to establish how much she can spend! The following updates were provided:
- City Station toilet (singular) will be operational this week.
- LTV car parking to be covered soon by ANPR, which needs to provide for short-term parking.
- Resignalling not planned yet for Lichfield.
- Offered to introduce us to WMT’s new Commercial Manager so that we can demonstrate potential sites for more parking spaces (including Shenstone where a planning application for land adjacent to the station has been submitted)
- Euston closures and alternative arrangements outlined – Tickets will be valid on Underground to Paddington.
- We asked that signage be provided at Blake Street directing passengers to replacement buses when use.
LICHFIELD to BURTON – Chairman reported on sub-committee meeting with M Holmes, WMRE, who is receptive to suggestion that DMU service be introduced to test potential demand. We have asked J Roberts for his views about working with WMRE to produce a feasibility report. JA and IJ had attended a meeting of the West Midlands branch of Rail Future who volunteered their support for any campaign that we might launch.
AGM – Chairman advised that he will stand down and, subject to member approval, T Thompson will succeed him. Volunteer sought to fill place on committee.
PRESS OFFICER has written to MP re categorisation of stations.
WEB SITE – D James has produced draft new front page for website and letterheads
TREASURER – City Council have refused grant support, previously £50 for some years. Bank balance of £1100 may explain their decision. 27 members have renewed subscriptions and others will be encouraged to renew.
NEXT MEETING – AGM 15TH April at 19.30, following which we will be joined by Malcolm Holmes, Executive Director, West Midlands Rail Executive