PRESENT D Dixon (Chairman), J Adams, I Jackson, P Bates, B Eisner, R Rathbone, R Hockney, R Hartley, R Henshaw, A Hutchinson, T Thompson, J Woodcock, D James, D Bathurst, V Wasdell
APOLOGIES P Martin, P Cousins, R Patching, G Hudson, M Frayn, A Dykes, M Cooper, R Thorne
MINUTES of September meeting were approved with the addition that a reference had been made to Mersey Rail’s method of dealing with access to station toilets.
LICHFIELD BURNTWOOD/BROWNHILLS WALSALL – concern about recent press report of MP’s support for the Burntwood Action Group’s (BAG) desire to see the line used as a footpath/cycleway. Press Officer (RR) has written to Mercury to emphasise our wish to see the line re-instated for passenger services in the longer term. VW advised that BAG is a single issue group determined to prevent damage to the Green Belt and they see a reinstated railway as a threat to that cause. Also noted by members that the line is still in place and that WM Rail Strategy includes the re-opening as a future possibility. Agreed that we should defer reminding the MP of his previous “support?” for our aspirations for the line until we meet him again early next year. RR asked to send copy of letter to Express and Star.
L T V – No further progress on improving pedestrian safety. No news about additional shelters on southbound platform. Provision of ramp from car park to up platform unlikely in near future
Work on provision of new lifts to start in November/December!) with completion for May.
Introduction of “first hour free” with number plate recognition could be introduced to allow time for drop-off/pick-up, ticket purchase, collection etc.
Parking in non-authorised areas attracts a stiff penalty which one of our (absent) members has suffered and we are to send his complaint to D Whitley.
Cycle storage needs to be addressed during installation of new lifts and for up platform
LICHFIELD CITY Station – toilets to be operational by Xmas!!!!!!!!!!!
WEST MIDLANDS RAIL INVESTMENT STRATEGY– consultation paper circulated. Under “Key corridors” re-opening from Lichfield to Burton on Trent is identified in the 2026/2033 period. “Other ambitions” include the extension of the Wolverhampton/Walsall/Lichfield service possibly via Midland Metro, Chairman will draft a response for comment, and submit a response before the deadline 19th November.
TREASURER reported a bank balance of £1057.24
Other business included a discussion about the view that greets visitors when leaving City station and the inadequate bus station. A letter to LDC had elicited a feeble response.
NEXT MEETING 19th November 2018