PRESENT D Dixon ( Chairman), J Adams, , I Jackson, P Bates, P Cousins, D James, R Hartley, V Wasdell, R Rathbone, P Martin, P Sheridan, J Woodcock
APOLOGIES from M Cooper, T Thompson, R Henshaw, M Frayn, A Hutchinson,
MINUTES of May meeting had been circulated. D James reminded us that with Cross City trains to be extended to Bromsgrove some 6 coach trains will become 3 coach and vice versa. WM Trains will monitor and welcome feedback from groups such as ourselves.
WM TRAINS have announced charging for car park at Shenstone. This has caused alarm amongst the residents and shop-owners because train users will increasingly use the main street. County Councillor and Parish Councillors are getting involved. We have no argument against charging in car parks but Chairman will write to express disappointment that this has been introduced without any improvement for disabled access.
I Jackson will attend the Stakeholder meeting on 27th June
WC MAIN LINE –three new trains between London and Blackpool – but all will call at Rugby and none at Lichfield. Chairman is to write to express disappointment and ask for a review.
Invitation to tender expires at end of July. When the new franchisee is known we will seek to ensure that there is no diminution in the LTV service
Chairman summarised the committee meeting with Jonathan Roberts, rail transport specialist and consultant with over 40 years’ experience of the industry. Michael Byng, who lives in the Midlands and works on some projects with Jonathan, also attended most of the meeting. A variety of options came out of the meeting and the Chairman has summarised these in a separate letter to all members, inviting their observations and their willingness to be involved if we decide that we want to make real progress, with or without professional help.
Data Protection consents had been received from 18 members. Secretary will advise all that unless he hears to the contrary then existing contact details will be considered to remain valid and active
Chase Line Electrification proceeds
Ticketing and Fares Consultation – to be on agenda for July meeting (16th)