Held in KINGS HEAD at 8pm on 16th April 2018
Present D Dixon (Chairman) I Jackson, J Adams, R Henshaw, D Dundas, G Hudson,
A Hutchinson, R Hockney, V Wasdell, J Woodcock, P Bates, P Cousins, R Rathbone, R Thorne, P Martin, R Hartley, R Patching,
Apologies received from D Bathurst, T Thompson, B Pretty, M Cooper, G Wilcox, A Dykes, M Frayn, D James, P Keane
Minutes of AGM 2017 had been circulated and were approved
Chairman’s report – see separate posting.
Treasurer reported an overspend against income of £46.39 and a year end balance of £735.79. We had fewer members than in previous years. Our Financial Examiner was satisfied with the accounts and produced the Financial Summary, attached.
Election of Officers
Following formal proposers/seconders J Adams was appointed Secretary and I Jackson Treasurer; A Thompson, D James, R Rathbone were elected to the Committee
Chairman – had already advised the group that he wishes to stand down but no successor has been forthcoming. He offered to continue for another year but on the understanding that he will be able to attend fewer monthly meetings and fewer outside meetings. This was accepted by the members.
Financial Examiner Richard Patching has agreed to continue and his appointment was approved.
Other business
i) Walsall to Derby via Lichfield – Chairman led a discussion on how we might achieve our aspirations. We need to improve our game, the project is more challenging than we might have hoped, we need a prominent lead sponsor, a snappy title and more input from members. Doubt expressed about the support available from County and District Council and it may be that the driver will come from West Midlands activity with their proposals for housing development in Lichfield and their “Movement for Growth” policy.
Chairman will seek to contact a consultant recommended by Roger Blake who addressed our March meeting.
ii) Walsall to Lichfield – we have made contact with a “Back to the Track” group which has been allowed access by Sustrans to maintain the track bed. We hope to meet with them soon.
Annual Subscriptions R Hartley reminded the meeting that it was agreed at last year’s AGM to set the subscriptions for the forthcoming year – Treasurer recommended that they stay the same- £8 single £10 joint/family. Approved